Working Harder or Smarter?

Guitar No. 6It's good to be productive. Some of it is hard work and some of it is ingenuity. By the end of this week I will have a couple of guitar frames hanging in my humidity room ready to get fitted for both their top and back. It's so much faster than I had previously been building guitars, yet my process has changed very little. Some of the efficiency is just plain practice - getting better at the work that has to be done. 

At the same time, there is the realization that we are slow, and that the mere act of being able to cover the expenses of living in this world requires that either the work that we are currently doing begins to scale accordingly or...we start doing the same thing quicker and for a larger market...

Perhaps I am completely wrong, but I think the middle of the road is least valuable.

There are enough people doing that already ;)