Guitar Trip to Austin Peay

Tom Torrisi at Stanley Yate's Performance Class

Immediately before I retired from my visit to Austin Peay's guitar program this afternoon, my request for recommendations on lunch spots in Clarksville was met with quizzical looks both from Dr. Yates and his guitar students. So apparently Clarksville, TN might not be the center of a cultural revolution in the arts and cuisine, but they do have an excellent guitar program there headed by Dr. Stanley Yates, a British born classical guitarist and highly respected teacher. 

Every player didn't get a chance to perform on guitar no. 4 unfortunately, however, Austin Peay seniors Zach Lee and Tom Torrisi gave impressive performances of Roland Dyens, Barrios, Turina and more. Before leaving Dr. Yates gave the guitar a test drive, and although he made every effort to be humble in the most appropriate ways, it was quite hard, if not impossible to hide his virtuosity and musicianship. 

Thanks for a great visit!