
Pathosaurus Invictus

I don't plan on doing this perpetually, but after looking around at newer vehicles to replace my 96 Pathfinder I became quite disheartened by my options. Everything new just got more plastic and more computerized. So I did the natural thing and bought a older 95 Pathfinder with a manual transmission for $1,000 from some guy in northern Georgia. It looked like the oil hadn't been changed in 100,000 miles, but meh, it still got me all the way back home in the north Cumberland Plateau region of Tennessee.

Dark is Yonder Down

Zach Finkelstein, Tenor & Dieter Hennings Guitar

Dieter Hennings-Yeomans and Zach Finkelstein recorded this album in two parts at Bastyr University chapel: on May 30th, 2019, the day before Zach's son, Remy, was born. And then, after a flurry of cancellation, rescheduling, and many, many, sleepless nights, They finished the album a month later at the same venue. Dieter Hennings performs with Zach using maple guitar no. 56
