
Dark is Yonder Down

Zach Finkelstein, Tenor & Dieter Hennings Guitar

Dieter Hennings-Yeomans and Zach Finkelstein recorded this album in two parts at Bastyr University chapel: on May 30th, 2019, the day before Zach's son, Remy, was born. And then, after a flurry of cancellation, rescheduling, and many, many, sleepless nights, They finished the album a month later at the same venue. Dieter Hennings performs with Zach using maple guitar no. 56

Simon Marty Guitar for Sale

Simon Marty Guitar for Sale


Here is a Simon Marty owned by one of my customers, Dieter Hennings, and posted here for sale. It's a 650mm scale with a Western Red Cedar soundboard and what seems to be a Cocobola or Brazilian Rosewood back and sides. The guitar has a very strong, penetrating fundamental resonance very common with this luthier's building style. The bracing is a radial pattern using what appears to be balsa with a carbon fiber capping.

Dieter's Concert

On March 4, I made a journey over to Clarksville, TN and Austin Peay State University to attend Dieter Hennings guitar concert. I made the trip with a photographer, Ron Baker, who bore witness to the crazy tornado damage along I-40 as we drove. Dieter has been performing on Guitar No. 56 for about one year and this was the first opportunity I had to attend one of his concerts.
